Bigfoot Stalks Group at Night in Oklahoma

Robert Dodson and company are out on a night investigation when things start to get a little hairy. Sometimes it's better to stay in a group than to split up.


  1. Yes I simply adore a night-time "stalk" to comfort me - something to suck as I gently get rocked to sleep,


  2. I was there that night. It was slightly chilly. I had my back up against a tree using it as support while I had my legs outward and bent at the knees.

    I had a roll of paper towels under my arms and I was browsing the internet on my tablet. I farted and started to release a hot meal. It was steamy and I could feel condensation build up on the back of my thighs. All was feeling right and everything was coming out smoothly. I could see movement amongst the leave, I thought they may have been frogs at first. Then I got with one rock, two rocks, three rocks. I reel off several sheets of paper towels and bunchem up between my butt cheeks and turn around to see where these rocks were coming from. Then bam, right in the head with a log weighing about 75 pounds. I get up staggered. The back of my head caked and covered in the hot meal that my butt threw up. Im staggering about trying make an effort to run, but I look like Steve Martin in The Jerk with my pants around my ankles. I told my friends at camp that Bigfoot was throwing rocks and said they heard it, and was recording it.


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